Prostate Issues

The prostate is a small gland only found in men. It is about the size of a walnut and gets a little bigger with age. It surrounds the first part of the tube (urethra) that carries urine from the bladder along the male private part.

The prostate produces a thick, white fluid that mixes with the sperm from the testicles to make semen. It also produces a protein called prostate-specific antigen (PSA) that turns the semen into liquid.

Prostate problems are common, particularly in men aged over 50.

The prostate is a small gland found only in men and trans women. It surrounds the tube that carries urine out of the body (urethra).

A man sits on the edge of a bed, while someone sleeps in the background.

Prostate enlargement

An enlarged prostate can put pressure on the urethra, which can affect how you urinate.

Signs of an enlarged prostate can include:

Man holding his lower back in pain

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Prostate symptoms

Prostate symptoms, referred to as Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) are a very frequent issue for men, and unfortunately become more common with age. In men the most likely cause is developing obstruction thanks to non-cancerous enlargement and growth of the prostate gland

Filling or Storage symptoms, which include:

Voiding or Obstructive symptoms, which include:


Frequently Asked Questions

There are generally three conditions that affect the prostate.

  • prostate enlargement
  • inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis) 
  • prostate cancer 

The most common sign of a prostate problem is difficulty in passing urine. Changes in the prostate narrow the urethra, the tube which carries urine from the bladder.

You might experience:

  • a weak flow
  • intermittency — a flow which stops and starts
  • hesitancy — having to wait before you start to go
  • frequency — having to urinate more often than previously
  • urgency — finding it difficult to postpone urination
  • nocturia — having to get up at night to urinate

Prostatitis is an inflammation/infection of the prostate and can produce a number of symptoms. It can cause chills, fever, pain in the lower back, leg, genital area and penis, frequent, painful or burning urination, body aches or painful ejaculation. Occasionally the sufferer may be completely unable to pass urine. Prostatitis is often linked to a urinary infection, as evidenced by bacteria in the urine. There may also be discharge from the penis. Prostatitis can be a long-standing condition, but can sometimes occur as a more sudden infection.

It is likely that certain foods have a protective effect when it comes to prostate cancer. A diet rich in vegetables (especially tomatoes), cereals and fish (and with limited research) broccoli is thought to be a useful means of reducing the risk of prostate cancer. However, there is, as yet, no definitive proof and there are still some trials ongoing into specific aspects of diet, food and cancer. It would seem that by eating a healthy, balanced diet as well as keeping yourself fit and taking exercise as a means of contributing to your general health, you can help reduce the cancer risk and assist your body’s defences.

There has not been a large amount of research into prostate cancer and alcohol consumption. However, the studies that have been undertaken suggest a mixed picture. There is one study which suggests that there could be an increased risk from the consumption of spirits, whilst others suggest that there are no clear associations with beer or spirits.

The prostate gland is surrounded by a sheet of muscle and a fibrous capsule. The growth of prostate cells and the way the prostate gland works depend on the male sex hormone testosterone. This is produced in the testicles.


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